When planning your wedding, it is always a good idea to make your guests aware of your wedding date well ahead of time so they can make the necessary arrangements to be there. I recommend sending out a save-the-date about 6 to 8 months in advance of your wedding, which will help to ensure a good turnout on your big day.
Save-the-dates can come in several forms. You can send out physical cards or magnets or, you can save time and money by sending out save-the-date ecards. For added convenience, you can even include a clickable link directly to your wedding website on your save-the-date ecard so your guests don't have to physically enter your website URL into the browser address field. And, because ecards are electronic, they are also good for the environment!
If you make note of your wedding website address on your physical save-the-date or ecard, you can direct your guests to the site for more information. Doing so will not only make your guests aware of your wedding website and where to go to learn more about your wedding plans, your recommendations and where to go for future updates, but it will also prevent you from having to personally field calls or emails about where to stay, what to do or where you're registered because all of that information will most likely already be available on your wedding website - if you choose to include it.
If at all possible, try to create a cohesive look across each of your wedding elements by coordinating the look of your save-the-date with your wedding colors and/or wedding website design. This will allow you to set the tone for the rest of your wedding from the first introduction.
*Post courtesy of Wedding Window